onsdag 18 oktober 2017

Birding in Lamington NP - 2016-12-27

After a couple of days in Noosa and Bundaberg, we headed south for Surfers Paradise. While the family wanted to spend some time in the sun, I had my focus set on Lamington National Park and the birds there. First we stopped at Australia Zoo and the photos of the Blue-faced Honeyeater and the Red-Backed Fairywren were taken here. The zoo was pretty well maintained, though I'd rather see all those animals in the wild. But I guess it does some good to let the kids get close to the animals and see that they really exist, and not just on TV...

Anyway, Lamington NP was definitely my kind of place. Though the drive from Surfers Paradise was about 1,5h and with quite a bit of narrow, windling roads, it was also very interesting. I started quite early in the morning and was probably the first one on the road from Canungra. There were lots of wallabys by the road and sometimes on the road. Also, I had to drive - very slowly - through a herd of cows who, for some reason, wanted to use the road. 

I never saw Albert's Lyrebird in Lamington, which was one of the main target species. But I guess I have to see that as a reason to go back some day... ☺There were many really nice birds in its stead. Like the Superb Fairywren... what a beautiful bird. The Crimson Rosellas were also easy to see and, as it turned out, were sitting everywhere on your body if you heald a feeder. Nice views of both Bowerbirds and close ups of Yellow-throated Scrubwren. 

In the park, close to the main area, there is a tree top walk, which I liked. I managed to see Spotted Pardalote there, whay up in the treetops, Fan-tailed Cuckoo, Regent Bowerbird, White-throated Treecreeper and others there. I could have just stayed in that place for a long time.

Below are some photos of some of the birds and mammals. I really recommend a visit to this National Park and I very much hope that I get the chance to go there again. But, if so, I would want to spend the night up there. Just to be able to get up just before the sunrise, when the rainforest is teeming with life. 
Blue-faced Honeyeater (blåkindad honungsfågel,
Entomyzon cyanotis)
Red-backed Fairywren (rödryggig blåsmyg, Malurus
As I drove up to O'Reilley's, there were Wallabys by the road in many places. They weren't afraid of the car either. This is still quite early in the morning though.
Whiptail Wallaby (pisksvanswallaby, Macropus, parryi)
Brown Cuckoo-Dove (röd gökduva, Macropygia 
Red-necked Pademelon (rödhalsad buskkänguru,
Thylogale thetis)
Yellow-throated Scrubwren (gulstrupig busksmyg, Sericornis 
Crimson Rosella (blåkindad rosella, Platycercus elegans)
Fan-tailed Cuckoo (australisk buskgök,
Cacomantis flabelliformis)
Lewin's Honeyeater (gulörad honungsfågel,
Meliphaga lewinii)
Brown Gerygone (brun sångsmyg, Gerygone mouki)
Green Catbird (grön kattfågel, Ailuroedus crassirostris)
Eastern Whipbird (svarttofsad snärtfågel,
Psophodes olivaceus)
Yellow-throated Scrubwren (gulstrupig busksmyg,
Sericornis citreogularis)
When I got back from my first walk to the tree-top walk, there were som people feeding the Parrots and Rosellas. However, this also attracted the Bowerbirds. Both the Satin and the Regent could be seen close up. The male Regent Bowerbird is one beautiful bird...
Satin Bowerbird, female (satänglövsalsfågel,
Ptilonorhynchus violaceus)
Regent Bowerbird, female (regentlövsalsfågel, Sericulus 
Crimson Rosella (blåkindad rosella, Platycercus elegans)
When I saw this girl feeding the Crimson Rosella I knew that I had to get my own kids here. So the next day, the whole family drove to O'Reilley's.
Eastern Spinebill (östlig sylnäbb, Acanthorhynchus 
Regent Bowerbird, male (regentlövsalsfågel,
Sericulus chrysocephalus)
Red-necked Pademelon (rödhalsad buskkänguru,
Thylogale thetis)
Superb Fairywren (vitbukig blåsmyg, Malurus cyaneus)
Superb Fairywren (vitbukig blåsmyg, Malurus cyaneus)
Eastern Yellow Robin (östlig gulsydhake,
Eopsaltria australis)
I found this bird - the Paradise Riflebird in the photos below -  thanks to its call. I watched it for quite some time and even though it doesn't have the adult male plumage - I mean, it is very female like - it performed its dance during this time. I have seen this dance on youtube many times but to see it in real life was something special. A memory for life, I guess...
Paradise Riflebird (fjällig sköldparadisfågel,
Ptiloris paradiseus)
Paradise Riflebird (fjällig sköldparadisfågel,
Ptiloris paradiseus)
Paradise Riflebird (fjällig sköldparadisfågel,
Ptiloris paradiseus)
In its dance posture...
Brown Gerygone (brun sångsmyg, Gerygone mouki)
Grey Fantail (australisk solfjäderstjärt, Rhipidura 
Australian King Parrot (australisk kungspapegoja,
Alisterus scapularis)
Australian King Parrot (australisk kungspapegoja,
Alisterus scapularis)
Regent Bowerbird, female (regentlövsalsfågel,
Sericulus chrysocephalus)
Satin Bowerbird, male (satänglövsalsfågel,
Ptilonorhynchus violaceus)
Brown Cuckoo-Dove (röd gökduva,
Macropygia phasianella)
My daughter feeding the parrots.
Birds in Lamington NP and by the road up to O'Reilley's 
Pale-headed Rosella (vitkindad rosella, Platycercus adscitus) * (* means new lifer)
Rufous Whistler (rostbukig visslare, Pachycephala rufiventris)
Australian Brushturkey (australisk buskhöna, Alectura lathami)
White-headed Pigeon (vithuvad duva, Columba leucomela
Brown Cuckoo-Dove (röd gökduva, Macropygia phasianella)
Wonga Pigeon (wongaduva, Leucosarcia melanoleuca)
Rose-crowned Fruit Dove (rosenkronad fruktduva, Ptilinopus regina)
Topknot Pigeon (perukduva, Lopholaimus antarcticus) *
Fan-tailed Cuckoo (australisk buskgök, Cacomantis flabelliformis) *
Laughing Kookaburra (skrattkokaburra, Dacelo novaeguineae)
Australian King Parrot (australisk kungspapegoja, Alisterus scapularis
Crimson Rosella (blåkindad rosella, Platycercus elegans) *
Rainbow Lorikeet (regnbågslorikit, Trichoglossus moluccanus)
Lewin's Honeyeater (gulörad honungsfågel, Meliphaga lewinii)
Green Catbird (grön kattfågel, Ailuroedus crassirostris)
Regent Bowerbird (regentlövsalsfågel, Sericulus chrysocephalus) *
Satin Bowerbird (satänglövsalsfågel, Ptilonorhynchus violaceus) *
White-throated Treecreeper (vitstrupig eukalyptuskrypare, Cormobates leucophaea)
Superb Fairywren (vitbukig blåsmyg, Malurus cyaneus) *
Eastern Spinebill (östlig sylnäbb, Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris) *
Spotted Pardalote (fläckpardalot, Pardalotus punctatus) *
White-browed Scrubwren (vitbrynad busksmyg, Sericornis frontalis)
Yellow-throated Scrubwren (gulstrupig busksmyg, Sericornis citreogularis
Brown Gerygone (brun sångsmyg, Gerygone mouki
Brown Thornbill (rostpannad taggnäbb, Acanthiza pusilla)
Australian Logrunner (australisk marksmyg, Orthonyx temminckii)
Eastern Whipbird (svarttofsad snärtfågel, Psophodes olivaceus)
Black-faced Cuckooshrike (australisk gråfågel, Coracina novaehollandiae)
Australian Golden Whistler (guldvisslare, Pachycephala pectoralis)
Grey Shrikethrush (grå törntrast, Colluricincla harmonica)
Grey Fantail (australisk solfjäderstjärt, Rhipidura albiscapa)
Rufous Fantail (rostgumpad solfjäderstjärt, Rhipidura rufifrons)
Black-faced Monarch (glasögonmonark, Monarcha melanopsis)
Torresian Crow (torreskråka, Corvus orru)
Paradise Riflebird (fjällig sköldparadisfågel, Ptiloris paradiseus)
Pale-yellow Robin (blekgul sydhake, Tregellasia capito)
Eastern Yellow Robin (östlig gulsydhake, Eopsaltria australis)
Welcome Swallow (välkomstsvala, Hirundo neoxena)
Bassian Thrush (eukalyptustrast, Zoothera lunulata) *
Red-browed Finch (rödbrynad astrild, Neochmia temporalis)

Red-necked Pademelon (rödhalsad buskkänguru, Thylogale thetis)
Whiptail Wallaby or Pretty-faced Wallaby (pisksvanswallaby, Macropus, parryi)

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