torsdag 8 juni 2017

Gran Canaria - year end 2015

The second of the Canary Islands on our (my family's) mission to visit all the islands. Well, at least the four larger ones though I for sure would like to go to La Gomera as well. Here's a link to my trip report from Lanzarote. Anyway, this trip was for a week over the year end in 2015 and the first days of 2016.

The hotel was located in San Augustin and was actually perfect for us as it blocked the wind quite well. The kids loved it and they could swim in the 25-26 C pool everyday. Next to the hotel was a park with a miniature golf course. This park attracted quite a lot of birds and most of the species a saw in San Augustin (see list below) were seen here.

In addition to staying in the hotel, one day we rented a car and drove over the island. I wanted of course to have the chance of seeing the Blue Chaffich but rare as it is I couldn't find it. Nice views of Stone Curlew was a treat insted.

Last day I walked from the hotel up the Barranco de los Guinchos with the hope of finding Rock Sparrow. They were quite easy to find, if you knew what to listen for. On the way back I got bitten by a dog... Perhaps not a stray but I didn't want to risk anything so a tetanus-shot was the way to go.

All in all... it is possible to do much more birding than I did this week. But it was a relaxing week for the family and sometimes that is more worth than that one new lifer... ☺
Common Waxbill (helenaastrild, Estrilda astrild)
Atlantic Canary (kanariesiska, Serinus canaria)
African Blue Tit (koboltmes, Cyanistes teneriffae)
Rose-ringed Parakeet (halsbandsparakit,
Psittacula krameri)
Canary Islands Chiffchaff (kanariegransångare, Phylloscopus
Monarch (Monark, Danaus Plexippus)
Western Osprey (fiskgjuse, Pandion haliaetus)
Grey Wagtail (forsärla, Motacilla cinerea)
Eurasian Stone-curlew (tjockfot, Burhinus oedicnemus)
Eurasian Hoopoe (härfågel, Upupa epops)
Common Blackbird (koltrast, Turdus merula)
Monk Parakeet (munkparakit, Myiopsitta monachus)
Eurasian Collared Dove (turkduva, Streptopelia decaocto)
Rock Sparrow (stensparv, Petronia petronia)
Very poor photo of Rock Sparrow. I had set the camera on manual for a much darker setting so the photo was over exposed and very yellow. This was the best I could do with it. It is almost possible to see that it is a Rock Sparrow ☺
Species list of Gran Canaria. Not that many species but some new lifers (*)

San Augustin 30/12-2015 until 4/1-2016: 
Eurasian Collared Dove (turkduva, Streptopelia decaocto)
Monk Parakeet (munkparakit, Myiopsitta monachus) *
Canary Islands Chiffchaff (kanariegransångare, Phylloscopus canariensis) *
Eurasian Hoopoe (härfågel, Upupa epops)
Common Blackbird (koltrast, Turdus merula)
Common Waxbill (helenaastrild, Estrilda astrild) *
Northern Gannet (havssula, Morus bassanus)
Yellow-legged Gull (medelhavstrut, Larus michahellis)
Sandwich Tern (kentsk tärna, Thalasseus sandvicensis)
Rock Dove - Feral Dove (tamduva, Columba livia var. domestica)
Rose-ringed Parakeet (halsbandsparakit, Psittacula krameri)
African Blue Tit (koboltmes, Cyanistes teneriffae) *
Atlantic Canary (kanariesiska, Serinus canaria) *
Monarch (Monark, Danaus Plexippus
Sardinian Warbler (sammetshätta, Sylvia melanocephala)
Spanish Sparrow (spansk sparv, Passer hispaniolensis)

Birds while driving over the island on the 2nd of Jan - 2016
Great Spotted Woodpecker (större hackspett, Dendrocopos major)
Common Kestrel (tornfalk, Falco tinnunculus)
Grey Wagtail (forsärla, Motacilla cinerea)
Berthelot's Pipit (kanariepiplärka, Anthus berthelotii)
Southern Grey Shrike (iberisk varfågel/ökenvarfågel, Lanius meridionalis)
Eurasian Stone-curlew (tjockfot, Burhinus oedicnemus)
Western Osprey (fiskgjuse, Pandion haliaetus)
African Blue Tit (koboltmes, Cyanistes teneriffae)
Sardinian Warbler (sammetshätta, Sylvia melanocephala)

Barranco de los Guinchos 4th of Jan-2016 
Common Buzzard (ormvråk, Buteo buteo)
Plain Swift (enfärgad seglare, Apus unicolor) *
Eurasian Blackcap (svarthätta, Sylvia atricapilla)
Sardinian Warbler (sammetshätta, Sylvia melanocephala)
Berthelot's Pipit (kanariepiplärka, Anthus berthelotii)
Rock Sparrow (stensparv, Petronia petronia) *

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