The day I had looked forward to the most was here... Before going to Australia, I had contacted Greg Roberts, a local birder (check out his blog here) and set up a day for birding in the area around Noosa. Lets just say that Greg knew the birding sites in this region very well, not to mention his knowledge of the birds... Fantastic guide.
This tour took place just three days in during our stay in Australia and even though I had, at this time, already seen almost 50 new species and gotten to know some of them pretty well, I soon experienced the same overwhelming feeling I had during my day in Singapore. When you are so reliant of your hearing, as I am in Sweden, it's so frustrating when you cannot filter out the common birds by just listening to them. Here, every sound was new - except from the Noisy Miner and the Rainbow Lorikeet... Both common and very noisy everywhere.
From the very start, we were checking habitats which were quite different from Noosa and the surroundings and the birds were also mostly different. Actually, the first animal we stopped to check for was not a bird. We had agreed to meet quite early - at just after 04:00 if I remeber correctly (it's been almost half a year since this day, now when I'm writing this). We drove to a creek to see if we could the Platypus. It had been a request from me in our discussions of the day, before I left for Australia. We did manage to see the Platypus, there were actually two of them. Unfortunately, I could not really concentrate on looking at the Platypus as there were birds all around. Tawny Grassbirds, Cicadabird, Rainbow Beeater, Peaceful Dove etc. So much to see at one time.
Below I have put some photos from this day. The site names are in many cases made up by me and quite a few sites, I were unable to find when checking google maps afterwords. In any case, if anyone is interested in where these sites are, I would suggest checking the iGoTerra website - where I have entered my sightings. Or send me a question here in the blog and I will help.
First out is the litte creek where we saw the Platypus. I did manage to find it in Google maps and I've called the place:
Moy Pocket - Mary River
Tawny Grassbird (rostgräsfågel, Megalurus timoriensis) |
Conondale NP - Charlie Moreland campground:
We covered quite a few different sub sites here in Conondale NP. Lots of birds and a fantastic experience as the nature is so very different from Sweden. Most of the time at least... Just seeing the Red-necked Pademelons was so fundamentaly different from anything you can experience in Sweden. In my opinion...
Wompoo Fruit Dove (wompoofruktduva, Ptilinopus magnificus) |
Wonga Pigeon (wongaduva, Leucosarcia melanoleuca) |
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (större gultofskakadua, Cacatua galerita) |
Spectacled Monarch (svartmaskad monark, Symposiachrus trivirgatus) |
Australian Golden Whistler (guldvisslare, Pachycephala pectoralis) |
Spangled Drongo (glitterdrongo, Dicrurus bracteatus) |
Oriental Dollarbird (rödnäbbad blåkråka, Eurystomus orientalis) |
Red-necked Pademelon (rödhalsad buskkänguru, Thylogale thetis) |
Rufous Fantail (rostgumpad solfjäderstjärt, Rhipidura rufifrons) |
Australian Logrunner (australisk marksmyg, Orthonyx temminckii) |
I had to work on really high ISO setting but the photo turned out ok.
Spectacled Monarch (svartmaskad monark, Symposiachrus trivirgatus) |
Varied Triller (vitbrynad drillfågel, Lalage leucomela) |
I also managed to see the species a couple of more times during the trip.
Noisy Pitta (larmjuveltrast, Pitta versicolor) |
This is actually a pretty decent shot of the bird. It is showing just how we saw it. Not that easy to find. First it came flying just beside us but after some searching we could find it perching on a branch some 20m away.
Rose-crowned Fruit Dove (rosenkronad fruktduva, Ptilinopus regina) |
Olive-backed Oriole (grönryggig gylling, Oriolus sagittatus) |
Wappa Dam
Of course we saw a lot of other birds in Wappa Dam than the Masked Lapwing, but I have just added the photos that I like. At the bottom of this post, there is a list of new birds at each site. So here I could add e.g. Intermediate Egret and Bar-shouldered Dove to my list.
The most special bird here was probably the Great Crested Grebe. But since these are very common in Sweden (I often see 50-100 individuals from my garden in the spring) I was not really excited...
Masked Lapwing (maskvipa, Vanellus miles) |
Burtons Rd
Now we are down from the mountains and out on the coastal plains. Different birds altogether.
Golden-headed Cisticola (gyllencistikola, Cisticola exilis) |
Golden-headed Cisticola (gyllencistikola, Cisticola exilis) |
Eastern Cattle Egret (orientkohäger, Bubulcus coromandus) |
Maroochy Wetland Sanctuary
Shining Flycatcher (glansmonark, Myiagra alecto) |
Shining Flycatcher (glansmonark, Myiagra alecto) |
Rufous Whistler (rostbukig visslare, Pachycephala rufiventris) |
Brown Honeyeater (brun honungsfågel, Lichmera indistincta) |
Rufous Fantail (rostgumpad solfjäderstjärt, Rhipidura rufifrons) |
Mistletoebird (mistelblomsterpickare, Dicaeum hirundinaceum) |
Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo (gulstjärtad sotkakadua, Calyptorhynchus funereus) |
Grey Teal (gråkricka, Anas gracilis) |
Little Black Cormorant (sotskarv, Phalacrocorax sulcirostris) |
Chestnut Teal (kastanjekricka, Anas castanea) |
Maned Duck (manand, Chenonetta jubata) |
Australasian Grebe (australisk smådopping, Tachybaptus novaehollandiae) |
Sacred Kingfisher (helig kungsfiskare, Todiramphus sanctus) |
Chestnut-breasted Mannikin (brunbröstad munia, Lonchura castaneothorax) |
Plumed Whistling Duck (plymvisseland, Dendrocygna eytoni) |
Square-tailed Kite (tvärstjärtad glada, Lophoictinia isura) |
White-cheeked Honeyeater (vitkindad honungsfågel, Phylidonyris niger) |
Black Swan (svart svan, Cygnus atratus) |
Australian White Ibis (australisk ibis, Threskiornis moluccus) |
Magpie Goose (skatgås, Anseranas semipalmata) |
Restless Flycatcher (rastlös monark, Myiagra inquieta) |
Hardhead (australisk dykand, Aythya australis) |
Dusky Moorhen (mörk rörhöna, Gallinula tenebrosa) |
Australasian Darter (australisk ormhalsfågel, Anhinga novaehollandiae) |
Comb-crested Jacana (kamjaçana, Irediparra gallinacea) |
White-headed Pigeon (vithuvad duva, Columba leucomela) |
Again, I have to say that this was a fantastic day. Absolutely among top five birding days in my life. Thank you Greg for fantastic guiding and so many interesting anecdotes during the day. I can't wait to get back to these areas and do some more birding. Over 100 species during the day... My mind was pretty blown away afterwards and I had trouble sleeping that night (dispite the early start) due to all the impressions during the day.
Bird list of the trip - but as always, the more common ones are only noted once in this is list. So, basically in order of appearence and new lifers marked with *.
Moy Pocket - Mary River:
Platypus (näbbdjur, Ornithorhynchus anatinus)
Tawny Grassbird (rostgräsfågel, Megalurus timoriensis) *Pacific Black Duck (stillahavssvartand, Anas superciliosa)
Eastern Cattle Egret (orientkohäger, Bubulcus coromandus)
Dusky Moorhen (mörk rörhöna, Gallinula tenebrosa) *
Peaceful Dove (billabongduva, Geopelia placida) *
Channel-billed Cuckoo (jättegök, Scythrops novaehollandiae) *
Azure Kingfisher (azurkungsfiskare, Ceyx azureus) *
Rainbow Bee-eater (regnbågsbiätare, Merops ornatus) *
Common Cicadabird (cikadagråfågel, Coracina tenuirostris) *
Magpie-lark (skatlärka, Grallina cyanoleuca)
Welcome Swallow (välkomstsvala, Hirundo neoxena)
Conondale NP - Charlie Moreland campground:
Red-necked Pademelon (rödhalsad buskkänguru, Thylogale thetis)
Brown Cuckoo-Dove (röd gökduva, Macropygia phasianella) *
Wonga Pigeon (wongaduva, Leucosarcia melanoleuca) *
Wompoo Fruit Dove (wompoofruktduva, Ptilinopus magnificus) *
Bell Miner (klockhonungsstare, Manorina melanophrys) *
Eastern Whipbird (svarttofsad snärtfågel, Psophodes olivaceus)
Lewin's Honeyeater (gulörad honungsfågel, Meliphaga lewinii)
Black-faced Cuckooshrike (australisk gråfågel, Coracina novaehollandiae)
Black-faced Monarch (glasögonmonark, Monarcha melanopsis) *
Spectacled Monarch (svartmaskad monark, Symposiachrus trivirgatus)
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (större gultofskakadua, Cacatua galerita) *
Australian Golden Whistler (guldvisslare, Pachycephala pectoralis) *
Little Shrikethrush (mindre törntrast, Colluricincla megarhyncha) *
Paradise Riflebird (fjällig sköldparadisfågel, Ptiloris paradiseus) *
Eastern Yellow Robin (östlig gulsydhake, Eopsaltria australis)
Grey Shrikethrush (grå törntrast, Colluricincla harmonica)
Variegated Fairywren (brokblåsmyg, Malurus lamberti)
Dusky Myzomela (brun myzomela, Myzomela obscura) * - It was called Dusky Honeyeater, both by Greg and in the book.
Noisy Friarbird (skränmunkskata, Philemon corniculatus)
Grey Fantail (australisk solfjäderstjärt, Rhipidura albiscapa) *
Oriental Dollarbird (rödnäbbad blåkråka, Eurystomus orientalis)
Spangled Drongo (glitterdrongo, Dicrurus bracteatus) *
Rufous Fantail (rostgumpad solfjäderstjärt, Rhipidura rufifrons)
White-browed Scrubwren (vitbrynad busksmyg, Sericornis frontalis)
Yellow-throated Scrubwren (gulstrupig busksmyg, Sericornis citreogularis) *
Large-billed Scrubwren (långnäbbad busksmyg, Sericornis magnirostra)
Australian Logrunner (australisk marksmyg, Orthonyx temminckii) *
Noisy Pitta (larmjuveltrast, Pitta versicolor) *
White-throated Treecreeper (vitstrupig eukalyptuskrypare, Cormobates leucophaea)
Brown Gerygone (brun sångsmyg, Gerygone mouki)
Scaly-breasted Lorikeet (gulvattrad lorikit, Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus)
Varied Triller (vitbrynad drillfågel, Lalage leucomela) *
Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo (gulstjärtad sotkakadua, Calyptorhynchus funereus) *
Olive-backed Oriole (grönryggig gylling, Oriolus sagittatus)
Australian King Parrot (australisk kungspapegoja, Alisterus scapularis) *
Rose-crowned Fruit Dove (rosenkronad fruktduva, Ptilinopus regina) *
White-bellied Cuckooshrike (vitbukig gråfågel, Coracina papuensis) *
Regent Bowerbird (regentlövsalsfågel, Sericulus chrysocephalus) *
Little Yabba Park & Fig Tree Walk
Pacific Koel (australisk koel, Eudynamys orientalis) *
Pale-yellow Robin (blekgul sydhake, Tregellasia capito) *
Wappa Dam
Great Crested Grebe (skäggdopping, Podiceps cristatus)
Intermediate Egret (mellanhäger, Egretta intermedia) *
Little Pied Cormorant (svartvit skarv, Microcarbo melanoleucos) *
Great Cormorant (storskarv, Phalacrocorax carbo)
Masked Lapwing (maskvipa, Vanellus miles) *
Bar-shouldered Dove (blåbröstad zebraduva, Geopelia humeralis) *
Burtons Rd
Black Kite (brun glada, Milvus migrans)
Tree Martin (eukalyptussvala, Petrochelidon nigricans) *
Golden-headed Cisticola (gyllencistikola, Cisticola exilis) *
Australian Pipit (australisk piplärka, Anthus australis) *
Maroochy Wetland Sanctuary
Collared Sparrowhawk (australisk sparvhök, Accipiter cirrocephalus) *
Spotted Dove (pärlhalsduva, Spilopelia chinensis)
Shining Flycatcher (glansmonark, Myiagra alecto) *
Mangrove Gerygone (mangrovesångsmyg, Gerygone levigaster) *
Rufous Whistler (rostbukig visslare, Pachycephala rufiventris) *
Brown Honeyeater (brun honungsfågel, Lichmera indistincta)
Kuluin Waste Water Treatment Plant
Maned Duck (manand, Chenonetta jubata) *
Grey Teal (gråkricka, Anas gracilis) *
Chestnut Teal (kastanjekricka, Anas castanea) *
Australasian Grebe (australisk smådopping, Tachybaptus novaehollandiae) *
Little Black Cormorant (sotskarv, Phalacrocorax sulcirostris) *
Coolum Beach Industrial Estate wetlands
Square-tailed Kite (tvärstjärtad glada, Lophoictinia isura) *
White-bellied Sea Eagle (vitbukig havsörn, Haliaeetus leucogaster)
Crested Pigeon (tofsduva, Ocyphaps lophotes)
White-cheeked Honeyeater (vitkindad honungsfågel, Phylidonyris niger) *
Blue-faced Honeyeater (blåkindad honungsfågel, Entomyzon cyanotis)
Ninderry Ponds
Magpie Goose (skatgås, Anseranas semipalmata) *
Black Swan (svart svan, Cygnus atratus) *
Hardhead (australisk dykand, Aythya australis) *
Australasian Darter (australisk ormhalsfågel, Anhinga novaehollandiae) *
Eurasian Coot (sothöna, Fulica atra)
Comb-crested Jacana (kamjaçana, Irediparra gallinacea) *
Little Friarbird (mindre munkskata, Philemon citreogularis)
Restless Flycatcher (rastlös monark, Myiagra inquieta) *
Along the road - birds seen where I couldn't find the correct spot i google maps.
Rainbow Lorikeet (regnbågslorikit, Trichoglossus moluccanus)
Noisy Miner (larmhonungsstare, Manorina melanocephala) Australian White Ibis (australisk ibis, Threskiornis moluccus)
Straw-necked Ibis (skäggibis, Threskiornis spinicollis) *
White-faced Heron (vithuvad häger, Egretta novaehollandiae)
Australasian Swamphen (australisk purpurhöna, Porphyrio melanotus) *
Rock Dove - Feral Dove (tamduva, Columba livia var. domestica)
Fairy Martin (arielsvala, Petrochelidon ariel)
Pied Butcherbird (svartvit törnkråka, Cracticus nigrogularis) *
Plumed Whistling Duck (plymvisseland, Dendrocygna eytoni) *
Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo (gulstjärtad sotkakadua, Calyptorhynchus funereus)
Mistletoebird (mistelblomsterpickare, Dicaeum hirundinaceum) *
Lewin's Rail (Lewins rall, Lewinia pectoralis) *
Brown Quail (brun vaktel, Coturnix ypsilophora) *
Chestnut-breasted Mannikin (brunbröstad munia, Lonchura castaneothorax) *
Sacred Kingfisher (helig kungsfiskare, Todiramphus sanctus) *
Black-shouldered Kite (svartskuldrad glada, Elanus axillaris) *
White-headed Pigeon (vithuvad duva, Columba leucomela) *
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